Saturday, April 6, 2019

Creating 'Defining Moments'

I was in Orlando a few weekends ago attending the 'Stronger' women's leadership conference.  The first night I was invited to participate in the minister's wives' event.  I often feel out of place at these type of events.  If I'm being honest - a lot of times I feel like I don't fit in with a group of such strong amazing women of God! However, I always stay open and teachable and...something amazing happened that night - something that has ignited a passion to share the stories of my life & ministry journey in the form of a blog!

I had been planning to create a blog for some time - but I had not been successful in coming up with a name I connected with...until that night!  The speaker, Nancy Turpin, briefly mentioned the phrase 'defining moments' - and it hit me like an arrow straight to my heart.  (She also gave me a personal word of knowledge from the Lord that I'm going to be experiencing some 'battles' in the near future...but that's a blog for a different day!)

de·fin·ing mo·ment
-an event which typifies or determines all subsequent related occurrences.
-the time that shows very clearly what something is about.
-a brief experience that is usually meaningful and memorable.

Like everyone - I have experienced many events in my life that I would consider a 'defining moment'.  From the circumstances surrounding my birth and my subsequent adoption, during my youth, throughout my marriage (25 years & still in love), while raising my children, and now in the ministry which God has called me to - serving homeless pregnant women; there have been many defining moments...some humorous - others despairing.  These are the moments that have influenced me and helped create the person I am today.  These are the days of our lives.

My goal in writing this blog is that it will serve as a form of documentation for my experiences.  If that were the only reason I could simply journal my experiences, but my handwriting is awful so I'd much rather type it, but I also hope to inspire others through my stories and to be an encouragement to women in ministry and leadership.  I plan to share parts of my personal life as well as some of the 'golden nuggets' and lumps of coal I've learned along the way.

I hope you will subscribe or follow my blog so you'll be notified when I publish a new post.  I'm still learning how all this works - so please be patient with me!  Special shout out to Nancy for giving me the title 'defining moments' even though she has no idea she did, Deanna, Stephanie & Melinda (blogger extraordinaire's) for inspiring me to create this blog, and to all of you for reading this!

'Defining Moments' 3/21/19